The World’s Easiest
Prospect Management Tool


Tailored to suit your budget, the pricing plan for CatchIt only increases when the number of leads/prospects in your system reaches a specific threshold.

Super Secure

All stored information is encrypted and secured to ensure all stored documents are secure against data breaches.

Easy Sharing

With share buttons directly in your CatchIt application, collaborating and sharing essential documents becomes effortless.

Simplified Data

CatchIt is all about going back to the basics and simplifying the process of catching and managing prospects quickly and effectively. Say goodbye to complicated stacked bar graphs and hello to a user-friendly and attractive interface with simple, easy-to-understand reporting.

Why CatchIt?

Why CatchIt?

Easy To Use

No degree in computer science is required to implement, use, and discuss. The interface is clean and seamless, and the portal is built the same way.

Extremely Useful

No more juggling Excel files, phone notes, or relying on memory to keep track of prospects – everything is in one place and backed up for you. From keeping track of what coffee people drink to what you need to do next, to audit logs to insights that you can use while on the go, CatchIt delivers everything to you.

Easy To Look At

Unlike traditional CRMs or similar tools, CatchIt is not overwhelming by appearance. The colours, boxes, layout, and overall feel – CatchIt has been designed like a new car.

Easy To Coach To

Simply open your portal and easily view your prospects or your team’s prospects. Only the most necessary graphs, trends, and reports are available, and we did that on purpose. Employees and stakeholders can now be on the same page much quicker and have more timely, valuable discussions relating to the health of their sales progress.

Centralized Business Prospecting

The modern business sales and prospecting age require lighting-fast access to files and one centralized location to review your prospects and their current stage within the sales cycle.

How It Works

Enter your prospects quickly, whether at a seminar on a coffee break, canvassing local businesses, or scouring the web for potential clients.

Add contacts (and any of their personal preferences), opportunities, next steps, and any tasks or reminders that will help you through the sales process.
Close the business or view everything directly on the CatchIt portal.

CatchIt Features

  • Feature 1
  • Feature 2
  • Feature 3

Consolidated Sales
And Prospecting

Keep every single file and document pertaining to the account in one easy-to-access area. From lead to prospect to active account, monitor everything to do with the business or individual in question.

View Everything In One Place

Salespeople no longer have to fear data entry and don’t have to find that ‘tab’ or be inundated by data overload. CatchIt lays out everything for you in an attractive format.

Prospect and Customer Relationship Management

  • Consolidate all leads, prospects and active client accounts.
  • The entire company can stay on “one page” and immediately access customer information.
  • Eliminate the Clutter: No more spreadsheets and documents dispersed all over the cloud—consolidate your lead/prospect management and streamline your sales!

Keep Your Finger
On The Pulse

As a CEO, COO, or CTO, it is essential to know specific account information and progress. With CatchIt, you’ll have access to dashboards and account data to monitor and optimize your entire sales department.

View Everything In One Place

Salespeople no longer have to fear data entry and don’t have to find that ‘tab’ or be inundated by data overload. CatchIt lays out everything for you in an attractive format.

Prospect and Customer Relationship Management

  • Consolidate all leads, prospects and active client accounts.
  • The entire company can stay on “one page” and immediately access customer information.
  • Eliminate the Clutter: No more spreadsheets and documents dispersed all over the cloud—consolidate your lead/prospect management and streamline your sales!

Simple, Efficient Design

There are no unnecessary bells and whistles, no distracting cartoon illustrations, and no labyrinth of menus to sift through to find the information you need. CatchIt is designed for immediate access to the prospect information you need when you need it—lightning-fast collaboration and integration, leading to more efficient sales.

View Everything In One Place

Salespeople no longer have to fear data entry and don’t have to find that ‘tab’ or be inundated by data overload. CatchIt lays out everything for you in an attractive format.

Prospect and Customer Relationship Management

  • Consolidate all leads, prospects and active client accounts.
  • The entire company can stay on “one page” and immediately access customer information.
  • Eliminate the Clutter: No more spreadsheets and documents dispersed all over the cloud—consolidate your lead/prospect management and streamline your sales!

Happy Companies

Happy Salespeople

Happy Managers

Back-End Portal: Be in the Know

Enjoy a bird’s-eye view and perform key sales and analytic functions directly through the CatchIt portal. Add or transfer prospects, view vital prospect history, and much more—dashboards to help you track tangible data and metrics to optimize your entire sales process.

“When two of our sales team left, we lost everything. Since using CatchIt, we have access to everything and love the transferability.”

Ryan Wilford

VP Sales at SpecChem

The Issues With Other CRM Software:

Integration difficulties

Complicated CRM programs can be difficult to integrate with other information management systems and, therefore, can further complicate the daily duties of those using them.

Continuous maintenance

Many CRM systems today require constant maintenance and updating to function correctly consistently. This is just another way these systems burden the companies that use them.

Extensive training

With an overly-complicated CRM system comes the need to have employees trained on that system. The more complicated the system is, the more hours your business will have to dedicate to that training.

CatchIt has been built to do one simple job:
capture and keep track of prospects easily.